Benjamin Survives the Coffee Shop

Benjamin had no time to consider his next move as he sat in a Starbucks on 88th in New York City. Benjamin had been in this situation enough times to know he could handle it, but he would have to be quick.

“He’s got a gun!” One of Benjamin’s fellow Starbucks patrons exclaimed, a full 4 or 5 seconds after Benjamin saw the familiar outfit, whom Benjamin immediately recognized: a white button up long sleeve shirt, tucked into black dress pants upon black shoes, pulled together with a blank tie. When Benjamin first saw the illuminati, he thought they looked more ready for a job interview than elite assassins.

Before the assassin could detonate his deadly payload, Benjamin had unveiled a .45 model 1911 from underneath his suit-jacket, a skill which had proved vital for Benjamin in situations exactly like these.

Benjamin fired 2 shots into the assassins ankles, hoping to reduce the threat while keeping the man alive for questioning.

As the assassin fell to the ground, Benjamin could see the assassin was reaching for his detonation device.

In a split-second Benjamin knew he would have to take this man’s life, and fired 2 rapid shots. As the assassin slumped on the ground lifelessly, the entire Starbucks was quiet except for slow, soulful solo guitar-singer.